Being Venice

God, how I love Venice - this wonderful, dreamlike, fantastical city!  How I love it!

It seems that the most magical stories of the world were born here.  You know, there is no other place on earth like this - where there are narrow back streets and strange alleways, cobbled roads, houses of unbelievable beauty, balconies, windows, lanterns and also a bunch of all these magical things.  Yes, yes, there are many medieval cities like this.  But those cities don't have what this one has.  Those other cities don't have water.  Here the entire enchanting beauty is enclosed by water from all sites.  And that intoxicating smell...I go crazy from it.  And these sounds of moored gondolas hitting each other.  Here one can turn into an alleyway, and it will absolutely be magical, and unpredictable.  You don't know what you will see around the corner - the latest magical wonder, or a bridge through water, or a bright showcase.  And whatever you see, everything is delightful.  And let there be an unthinkable number of tourists and pickpockets.  I don't know other annoying factors.

This is a fairytale city.  A dream.  A magical dream.

This is my first project dedicated to a city or country.  My dress is like the arcitecture of the Palazzo Ducale.  I wanted to merge into one with Venice.